Share More sharing options Followers 0. You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for days. Recommended Posts. Azurean Posted December 8, Posted December 8, I'm new to SL and just don't want to spend the money for it until i'm SURE I can get it to work Just need a simple step by step list, if one already exists and I looked but didn't see one please let me know where it is!
Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Amethyst Jetaime Posted December 8, By: Hitomi Tiponi Viewer Version: 2. Known Bugs and Issues. This will be resolved in the next StarLight release.
VWR - When 'plain text IM and chat history' is selected the name of the 'speaker' is coloured the same as 'URLs' A Linden Lab bug means that when 'Enable plain text IM and chat history' is selected from the 'Chat' option of 'Preferences' the colour of the name of the 'speaker' is set to the colour that has been applied to 'URLs' - this is useful to know especially if you are using the lighter colour schemes.
As a workaround please set the 'URLs' colour to a suitable colour in 'Preferences'. StarLight is only working fully with English language version of the interface Versions for German and Japanese languages are planned for the future. Category : Viewer Skins. Animations: A bunch of Animations. SculptySpace will show you exactly how your sculpties will appear in SecondLife - even at different levels of detail Prim Lathe link Tokroton 1.
This web site is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research. Outworldz,LLC is a Texas corporation and is entirely non-commercial.
Content on this web site is freely provided by over users. Please respect their copyrights. Fred Beckhusen , avatar name Ferd Frederix. Theresa Tennyson Posted May 16, Posted May 16, It's really not as complicated as it sounds once you get used to it. Welcome to Second Life! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Recommended Posts.
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