Any applications using this service will no longer be able to log in, retrieve mod information or handle downloads from our site. The first, origin, and fomous dialogue menu mod. You will get a more classic dialogue menu, more user friendly with full-sized dialogue strings. Sikh Texts. Waheguru Simran. Harkirat Singh. Amritpal Singh.
Singh Tom. Harinder Singh. Sher Singh. Khalsa Lakhvir-Singh. More From harkirat Kamalroop Singh. Cunning and cleverness are of no use. One may perform tens of thousands of actions, but attachment to things is not satisfied. He has renounced other entanglements. I have pursued all pleasures, but none is as great as the Lord.
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I am forever and ever a sacrifice to Him. Please, grant me this one blessing, that I may never, even for an instant, forget Your Name.
How very fortunate are those who have the wealth of the Lord deep within the heart. Rehat Maryada. Photo Gallery. Karhah Prashad. Gurmat Rehni. Anand Sanskar. The following is compilation of bhajans and compositions which are common within Kabir Panthi communities. Feel free to view our bhajan compilation by navigating through the organizer below for transliteration guide click here.
If you wish to have a bhajan translated or reviewed please contact us.