Carding pdf download portugues 2018

Keylogging for CVV2s Hardware keylogging First of all it's best if you use hardware keyloggers here that you put into the keyboard of a computer belonging to an area where a lot of people are going online a lot and logging into e-mails, ebays, paypals etc, pretty much giving you enough info for you to go searching through if you get in their e-mails, or maybe you're lucky enough to get someone who is buying something online anyway.

Or of course you could set one up in a business and do the classic call in and do some social engineering from the credit card company or secret service and have them go to the bank online and have them log in to verify, or maybe even have them log in to a fake bank online made by yourself that will collect anyone's info who logs in on it.

How it's done is through the use of thejerm software or any other magstripe utility software thejerm is the best to use. And you do it like this: Written by: Acetrace 1. Load up thejerms software 2. Now how you should act when you go carding instore is pretty much common sense, but some people get caught up in the moment with nerves, cockiness or just too much weird amounts of excitement.

Simple what you do, make sure you KNOW the PIN for the card you're using before you go, don't be stuck at the counter trying to remember it. If you're going to be carding expensive goods then dress smart for the occasion, wear brand named clothing that you've previously carded Razz or even a suit.

It would look suspicious someone with a hoodie going into a store and buying a Louis Vuitton watch, so walk in with style. When you go instore, you ACT like you are using your own card, because essentially that's what it is well it is now anyway lol no looking shifty and don't look at the fucking cameras; the cameras mean nothing anyway, they don't know your name or where you live, they're not being watched half of the time, so stop worrying about the fucking cameras; remember you're doing nothing wrong.

When you go in, don't rush take your time, browse around some other items. Find the item you want to card and even ask the employee simple questions about it if it's a TV or comp just ask questions about certain specs and if it's good for playing video games on. You'll be most nervous at the checkout, just act as normal as you always have been, don't make too much small talk but be polite and civil.

Once you have the good sin your hands don't bolt out the door, just say thank you and then casually walk out the door, get to your car and then celebrate all you want.

Carding over the phone Okay 1st of all do not be a dumb fuck now, do not call from your own phones at all. For extra lulz you could use a beige box and call from someone else's phone but that's a totally different game all together and is also a major felony to go agains tyou on the chance that you do get caught so we'll keep it simple and use a payphone it's not AS risky to phreak these but the only recent red box tones I have are from the year and I'm pretty sure they'd have changed the system again The next day postage is said so that they have less time to look up details on the order.

Some cards will have difficulty shipping to any address other than the billing address, but it doesn't hurt to try. If they start to question you then just answer the questions and talk your way around the situation with your social engineering skills; don't just run away from the questions or hang up straight away, otherwise that is cause for suspicion and they may investigate.

If all goes well you should have your item of choice delivered to your drop location or a house of someone else's address who you don't know and call them up saying that you called up the store and they've sent the package to the wrong address and it is still sending there, and ask them if they could kindly keep and sign for the package and you'll pick it up after work this is a last resort and only to be tried if you're good at talking to people, which you should be if you're a carder.

I recommend checking out the section on drops later on in this text. I recommend using spoofcard for verification over the payphone, if they need to verify if they won't send without some verification which is usually the case. This makes it harder for investigators to uncover. There are a lot of disadvantages though, IRC is the equivalent of a backstreet alley, you'll be fine if you stay cautious, here's what you should be weary of: - Viruses - If you don't have strong anti viruses and firewalls you will get infected no norton shit, kaspersky and NOD32 are what you want - Do not accept random.

If I'm being totally honest the best place to find out about them is through Nigerians; no bullshit that is where I found out about a lot of the carder channels I used, also how I found out about forums and their IRCs too such as cardersplanet, darkmarket etc. Eventually I went in the IRC admittedly got ripped a few times then started vending myself under various diff nicknames, then moved onto different sites like darkmarket and cardingzone when I'd got invites for them although cardingzone is shit it's good to get in the IRC for starting off, you'll get invited to better forums the more you hang out in IRC, trust me.

I'm only going to give you one clue for searching through google for a carding IRC, and that word is "undernet". Fellow carders don't like revealing their IRCs, and for obvious reasons. My advice is find a scammer through e-mail, and chat to him; be witty with it but be respectful to a fellow fraudster. Vendors and how to approach them Vendors are the people in IRC who are selling and providing the services for you.

There are certain ways you should speak to vendors otherwise they're going to rip you remember this is the black market, this is just like going up to a random drug dealer in the street and not knowing what you really want or what you're getting into; you'll get ripped off. This is a market so remember there are more people that will be willing to buy from that vendor, it's open for all, you can get a full load of info including dumps for as low as? COBs go for a little bit higher in ranges of?

Now when you go in the channel don't fucking say or request anything, shut up and see what the vendors are saying they have to offer and then send them a private message and talk to them. If any "vendor" messages you 1st trying to push onto you to buy from them then they're most likely a ripper; however don't piss off the rippers or assume someone is a ripper because you never know who is going to be there to help you out later on down the line or who might be pissed off enough to fuck you over.

I can't give any big advice on not getting ripped in IRC because you don't personally know anyone in there at all, you just have to take your chances expect to get ripped your 1st few times going in there, just don't go to them again, because if they get away with it once they'll definitely try again if you go back to them.

The WU BUG used to work but was patched a looong time ago, most of the time now you'll get nothing or you'll end up with a rootkit on your comp. Ripping Easy as hell to do, not much photoshop skills needed really either. If they want the report to go to their phone via SMS then just spoof a text with an sms bomber saying some bullshit reports. Then get the payment via WU. To get victims you message them 1st, message out in the whole channel 1st and then PM random buyers look for ones requesting.

You want to do this, but you want to actually send them a file as well, but bind a keylogger or trojan to it; not only can you rip them out of their cash to buy your infection but the info you get from spying on them will be so much more as well ranging from their info to other stolen CC info, you'll have a backdoor on what they do and can exploit it.

Experience in carding is key. You have to practice your own methods and try out new techniques in carding to really get a system that works for you. This tutorial is meant to get you on your way.

Computer 2. Mac Address Changer Must Use 4. All in one cleaner CCleaner 5. Drop Optional But need to use for more secure shopping sites 7. Credit Card CC 1. Computer For carding I always prefer to use Computer. You may see many carder doing this n mobile. But it is not safe. So use PC. So with this we can hide our IP. We used it to mach our location same with Credit Card holder Location to make a successful transaction. We will change it to stay anonymous and safe.

Flash cookies are stealthier than regular cookies. Flash can install cookies on your computer without your permission by default, and store the same info that regular cookies do when you visited etc. RDP Remote Desktop Protocol RDP is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. It will connect you with any computer that is located in others country.

We use It for stay anon and safety. Drop Drop is an address which you use for shipping address in carding. So we have to manage USA address. If we have friends or relatives then no problem.

Otherwise there is lots of website that give drop service. We will order in drop address.. No need for every shopping sites. For hard security sites only. Credit Card CC Read all very carefully. This is the main part of carding. As fast as u understand it, success will come as fast.. When you buy CC from shop or somewhere else. This card is intended for those who already have experience in the use of bank cards.

She also enjoys popularity among consumers of middle-income, as guaranteed convenience, choice and financial flexibility. Though there are less in circulation so be cautious when buying these, stick with reputable sellers!

Business — Used for small to medium sized businesses, usually has a decent limit. Corporate — Medium to large size businesses, larger limit than Business. For that there is so many websites.. I prefer www. After receiving payment, the merchant may issue a receipt for the transaction.

ACH processes large volumes of credit and debit transactions in batches. ACH credit transfers include direct deposit, payroll and vendor payments. Moving money and information from one bank account to another is done through Direct Deposit or via ACH transactions, credit or debit. This is used a lot by fraudsters to siphon money out of the bank accounts of unsuspecting victims, which is extremely easy. They are usually broken down into two types: front-end and back-end.

Back-end processors accept settlements from front-end processors and, via The Federal Reserve Bank for example, move the money from the issuing bank to the merchant bank.

Once the payment processor has received confirmation that the credit card details have been verified, the information will be relayed back via the payment gateway to the merchant, who will then complete the payment transaction.

If verification is denied by the card association, the payment processor will relay the information to the merchant, who will then decline the transaction. The payment gateway may be provided by a bank to its customers but can be provided by a specialized financial service provider as a separate service.

It facilitates a payment transaction by the transfer of information between a payment portal such as a website, mobile phone or interactive voice response service and the front-end processor or acquiring bank.

In between other methods, this may be done via SSL encryption. The merchant then forwards the transaction details to their payment gateway. The payment processor forwards the transaction information to the card association e. If an American Express or Discover Card was used, then the card association also acts as the issuing bank and directly provides a response of approved or declined to the payment gateway.

Otherwise, the card association routes the transaction to the correct card issuing bank. The credit card issuing bank receives the authorization request, verifies the credit or debit available and then sends a response back to the processor with a response code approved or denied.

In addition to communicating the fate of the authorization request, the response code is also used to define the reason why the transaction failed e. Meanwhile, the credit card issuer holds an authorization associated with that merchant and consumer for the approved amount. The processor forwards the authorization response to the payment gateway. The payment gateway receives the response, and forwards it on to the website or whatever interface was used to process the payment where it is interpreted as a relevant response then relayed back to the merchant and cardholder.

This entire process typically takes seconds. The host name is a more memorable name to stand in for the numeric, and hard to remember, IP address of a website. This allows the website visitors to find and return to a web page more easily.

It also allows advertisers the ability to give a website a memorable name that visitors will remember and come to, hopefully leading to conversions for the web page. The flexibility of website domains allows several IP addresses to be linked to the same website domain, thus giving a website several different pages while remaining at the easily remembered address.

Most websites do not allow transactions to be accepted if the billing address on a credit card and the shipping address provided to the website are different. This is a system used to verify the address of a person claiming to own a credit card. The system will check the billing address of the credit card provided by the user with the address on file at the credit card company. Because AVS only verifies the numeric portion of the address, certain anomalies like apartment numbers can cause false declines; however, it is reported to be a rare occurrence.

Cardholders may receive false negatives, or partial declines for AVS from e-commerce verification systems, which may require manual overrides, voice authorization, or reprogramming of the AVS entries by the card issuing bank. Cardholders with a bank that does not support AVS may receive an error from Internet stores due to lack of data. VBV stands for Verified by Visa. It works by asking for additional information either from the card holder directly or by analyzing data behind the scenes to see if the purchase fits the usual payment behavior.

When a website and a card have Verified by Visa, a message box pops up on screen after you have entered the Visa card details. You are then asked to identify yourself with your Verified by Visa password or a code sent to your phone. What you need to do at this stage varies but your bank will tell you about the method they use and what they expect from you.

The bank is verifying the purchase by making background checks to see that everything is at it should be. It is a private code for a MasterCard account that gives the card holder an additional layer of online shopping security.

Only the card holder and the financial institution know what the code is, merchants are not able to see it. Fortunately, the majority of MasterCard cards do not have this security in place. It is widely used as a payment method, all you have to do is swipe your smartphone at the checkout in any store, and most stores support NFC.

Apple Pay for example, uses NFC. This is a nine-digit number issued to U. Although its primary purpose is to track individuals for Social Security purposes, the Social Security number has become the national identification number for taxation and other purposes. SSN is frequently used by those involved in identity theft, since it is interconnected with many other forms of identification, and because people asking for it treat as an authenticator.

Financial institutions generally require an SSN to set up bank accounts, credit cards, and loans-partly because they assume that no one except the person it was issued to knows it. Then, let us say, she married your father, whose name was Tom Jones. When she married him, she became Mary Jones. That is her married name, but her maiden name will always be Mary Smith. This is one of the most important aspects to conducting successful transactions online for high value products, as most banks ask this as a security question for making any changes to the account.

DOB: Date of Birth. This is one of the most important pieces of information you can get on your victim. And also because you need this information if the bank ever asks you for it. You never want to use your own house for these purposes as it will bring a lot of headache for you in the future. This will make extremely hard for any law enforcement official to track you down and arrest you or conduct an investigation into your life.

This is the first four to six numbers that appear on a credit card. The bank identification number uniquely identifies the institution issuing the card. The BIN is key in the process of matching transactions to the issuer of the charge card. This numbering system also applies to charge cards, gift cards, debit cards, prepaid cards and even electronic benefit cards. This numbering system helps identify identity theft or potential security breaches by comparing.

The first digit of the BIN specifies the Major Industry Identifier, such as airline, banking or travel, and the next five digits specify the issuing institution or bank.

For example, the MII for a Visa credit card starts with a 4. The BIN helps merchants evaluate and assess their payment card transactions. BINs can be check through the websites below. This is so that the other end knows how to send information back to your computer. That address is your public IP address. IP stands for Internet Protocol and you can check yours by going to whoer. It is how you connect to the world.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of privacy concerns when it comes to public IP addresses such as. A proxy server is a computer on the web that redirects your web browsing activity.

Along the way, the proxy uses the IP address you chose in your setup, masking your real IP address. Once you open them, you can decide whether you wish to withdraw the funds directly from the account as cash by going to the bank ATM, or possibly clean them with specific methods, and only after cleaning them, cashing them out my preferred method and much safer.

It is important to mention also, that all bank drop accounts, are opened ONLY with the information of someone else aka FULLZ , so there is absolutely no possibility of these dirty funds ever being traced back to your real identity. Fraud detection begins with thinking intelligently about the IP address associated with a transaction. Where is that IP address, and how does that location relate to other transaction data? Whereas most IP addresses inspire confidence, those associated with a proxy generate suspicion.

As the name suggests, a proxy acts as an intermediary, passing requests from one computer to other servers. But although there are legitimate uses of proxies, fraudsters are well known to use proxies. Detecting proxies comes with two challenges. The first is how to recognize an IP address as a proxy. Fraud detection uses transaction data as the basis for this thinking and risk assessment. The Proxy Score, is a summary of risk associated with an IP address.

You want this to be as low as possible 0. Anything above 0. You can check your proxy score on the websites below. Ideally you want the lowest proxy score that you can find, I have used RDPs with a proxy score of 0.

This is a number ranging between 0 and It gives the merchant a number from which he can determine if a given transaction is fraudulent or not. Transactions that are given high fraud scores over , are placed under manual verification by an agent, who will decide if they contact the cardholder or let it through. Some banks have different criterias but certain things that can affect the fraud score are:. The factors that determine this score are whether an IP address, email, device and proxy used are high risk or low risk.

This is determined by fraud systems that websites have in place such as MaxMind, which establishes the reputations of IP addresses, emails, geolocation and other parameters.

This should always be checked before purchasing an RDP. Anything above 1. It takes both network software and hardware cables, routers, etc. In the end, to get the data you want right to YOU, it comes down to addresses. Typically, it is tied to a key connection device in your computer called the network interface card, or NIC. The NIC is essentially a computer circuit card that makes it possible for your computer to connect to a network.

An NIC turns data into an electrical signal that can be transmitted over the network. A MAC address is given to a network adapter when it is manufactured. Further in this guide I will explain how to mitigate this risk. This way, none of your traffic is able to be captured by your ISP or an attacker, and consequently sniffed upon. This will be discussed in more detail further in this guide. This is a protocol developed my Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection.

They will exponentially increase your success rate. They will also be discussed in more detail further in this guide. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer.

They allow you to run an operating system using an app window on your desktop that behaves like a full, separate computer. However, you should never let it get to that point the first place. This is the most important aspect of being a successful fraudster. They are the biggest and most powerful nation in the entire world, and their resources are absolutely endless.

We MUST take every precaution possible to mitigate any of these risks and to make sure our hard work will never be taken from us by such governments.

Even if you do not live in the United States, you should still very much worry about them as they are involved in pretty much every single international issue that occurs, especially in cybercrime cases. If you are any serious about doing this business and following my guidance, I HIGHLY recommend you purchase my guide and follow each and every step outlined in it to secure yourself to the max. However, I will give you a perfect setup in this tutorial. First of all, I want to introduce you to the absolute best operating system available today when it comes to security and privacy.

It is called Qubes OS. This operating system allows us to run isolated environments. It is basically a giant virtual box. You can run different OSs in Qubes as different virtual machines. If one of these VMs ever get compromised, we are fine. We simply delete the VM and create a new one. Qubes has a very small compatibility range and so will not work with most computers unfortunately. However, if you want to become truly a professional cyber-criminal, then I highly recommend you invest in a new computer.

Below are the laptops I recommend, from best most expensive to worst cheapest. All of them work perfectly with the current Qubes 4. All of the prices were taken from Amazon at the time of this writing, so keep in mind, you may get cheaper, or more expensive. This was voted the best business laptop at CES The performance of this laptop is absolutely incredible and will make your work incredibly smooth and easy.

This is the laptop that I currently use and the one I recommend to all my clients on top of every other one. You can get it on Amazon for very cheap. I have tested this computer with Qubes 4. The performance will be terrible, but definitely usable. Qubes 4. Having a perfect setup for your fraudulent activities, is one of the most important aspects of being successful in this business. If you have a bad setup, you will most. Below I will outline the perfect setup for Qubes OS. All of the setup outlined below is explained in much more detail on my OPSEC guide, so I would highly recommend you get that one as well.

If you are running Qubes 4. If you are on Qubes 3. Feel free to send me a message if you run into any problems. Check everything is good and that there are no leaks in your connection by navigating to whoer. Even with webRTC enabled, you should have 0 leaks because of the iptables rules. This is extremely important, as it will add an amazing extra layer of security to your setup. You should use 2 different VPN providers.

This will make much harder for anyone snooping on our traffic to see we are using Tor although I seriously doubt anyone would be able to do so if you followed the steps above correctly. All of those things may lead to declined transaction, and a burnt card. This will significantly lower your fraud score and will help you a lot in getting approved. Wait days before purchasing and during that meantime, put products in your cart, look around the website, make it look LEGIT.

I will further explain in detail all of this in this guide. I realize most people will not go as far as the setup above requires them. Below I will outline a good, but much more unsuccessful and unsafe setup. Unfortunately, OS X and Windows, are both closed-source operating systems, and particularly Windows, is full of zero-day exploits and vulnerabilities that are easily exploitable by law enforcement officials.

Do not skip any steps. Then mount the. Then, create a new virtual machine on Virtual Box and name it whatever you so wish. Then, go to storage and add your virtual drive letter where you mounted the. Then, install Windows 7 on the virtual machine. Once you have done all that, move the. Once you have completed all these steps, download the VPN of your choice and install it on your newly created virtual machine.

Next, enter the IP address of the target computer and press connect. However, there is A LOT more to it. There are many things you need to keep in mind and in this chapter I will go into detail on how exactly all of it works.

To be able to cheat the website, there are a couple of things we need to keep in mind. Windows 7 is the 2nd most used operating system in existence today, right behind Windows 10 so that is why we are using it. The reason for that is because again, we want to appear as generic as possible to the website, and those browsers are currently the most used browsers in existence.

Then navigate to whoer. You should do this every time you wish to conduct a fraudulent transaction. The level of the CVV you need to get will depend much on the value of the transaction that you want to conduct. Just substitute the XXXX for any numbers and that should do fine. Fill out all the rest with the fake info phone, address, etc… , just provide the correct sex. For the email, you can use disroot.

You will soon receive on that email your newly created. You can also generate as many. To card the domain, follow the same steps outlined above and register with the domain provider with a yahoo email in the name of the CVV holder.

Navigate to the website you want to card. If you get a card with a billing address less than 30 miles from your drop address, then you are very very lucky and you can proceed. They will require you to change the billing address entirely. There are a lot of websites nowadays on the web that will sell you stolen CVV.

Se trata de buscar y remover la basura de la victima que estas buscando es decir intentar encontrar estados de cuenta, cortes de pago, recibos, etc. Por eso un sano consejo cuando boten algo importante rompanlo y botenlo si es posible haciendolo tiritas talvez piensen este tipo esta medio loco pero yo supe de alguien que quemaba sus papeles una vez por semana quien es el loco el o yo??

Te da otros datos de personas verificables, interesante para quienes no tienen habilidad de inventarse personalidades. Es un programa muy potente parecido al Credit Card Master aunque tiene interfaz grafica y tiene algunas otras utilidades como por ejemplo generar identidades falsas que como estuvimos viendo pueden ser de gran utilidad.

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