You can get the E-Boook released by the Ministry of Law and Justice highlighting initiatives and achievements of this Ministry. Detailed information on the Ministry's functions, good governance practices, litigation, etc. Get detailed information about the Ministry of Law and Justice. One can also search cause lists, daily orders, judgements and legislations etc.
Information is provided about the Indian judiciary system. Links are provided to access cause lists, daily orders and judgements etc. Users can also check the status of cases pending in various courts of the country.
One can also find links for the websites of tribunals. Real Estate Regulatory Authority for regulation and promotion of the real estate sector and to ensure sale of plot, apartment or building, as the case may be, or sale of real estate project, in an efficient and transparent manner. Definitions within the Code to be understood subject to exceptions.
Sense of expression once explained. Property in possession of wife, clerk or servant. Words referring to acts include illegal omissions. Acts done by many persons in furtherance of common intention. When such an act is criminal by reason of its being through with a criminal information or intention. Effect caused partially by act and partially by omission. Co-operation by doing one amongst many acts constituting an offence. Persons involved in criminal act is also guilty of various offences.
Construction of reference to transportation. Commutation of sentence of death. Commutation of sentence of imprisonment for life. Fractions of terms of punishment. Sentence is also in bound cases of imprisonment totally or partially rigorous of easy. Amount of fine. Sentence of imprisonment for non-payment of fine. Limit to imprisonment for non-payment of fine, when imprisonment and fine awardable. Description of imprisonment for non-payment of fine. Imprisonment for non-payment of fine, once offence punishable with fine solely.
Imprisonment to terminate on payment of fine. Termination of imprisonment on payment of proportional a part of fine. Fine livable within six years, of during imprisonment.
Death not to discharge property from liability. Limit of penalization of offence created of many offences. Punishment of person guilty of 1 of many offences, the judgment stating that is doubtful of which. Solitary confinement. Limit of solitary confinement. The Act done by someone sure, or by mistake of reality basic cognitive process himself sure, by law.
Another Act of Judge when acting judicially. Another Act done consistent to the judgment or order of Court. Act done by someone even, or by mistake of reality basic cognitive process himself even, by law.
Any Accident in doing a lawful act. Act possible to cause hurt, however refrained from criminal intent, and to prevent other harm. The Act of a toddler underneath seven years getting on. Act of a toddler on top of seven and underneath twelve of immature understanding.
Another Act of a person of unsound mind. Act of someone incapable of judgment by reason of intoxication caused against his can. Offence requiring a specific intent or information committed by one who is intoxicated. The Act not supposed and not familiar to be possible to cause death or grievous hurt, done by consent. The Act wiped out honestness for advantage of kid or insane person, by or by consent of guardian.